This last weeks Las Vegas Weekly magazine had some interesting discussion of Architecture. If you didn’t see it, here’s the link to it online.
4 local architects were interviewed. The opening question and answer from Eric Strain tells it all from my point of view. It’s a good read.
Weekly: Will the flagging economy offer any long-term opportunities to rethink how we develop the city, or do you think it’s merely just a pause in the usual kind of approach to development that has allowed Vegas to grow so spectacularly over the last 10, 20 or more years?
Eric Strain: There are some hidden opportunities in this. To be perfectly blunt, I think that over the past couple of decades we’ve been fat, dumb and lazy, and we’ve put out some real shit, architecturally, in this community. And I think this is an opportunity to look at what we really value and what we really should be building and how we should be building. We’ve continued for so many years putting up white stucco and red tile, and is that really the appropriate response for this environment? So I think this is an opportunity that, if we take it seriously, we can really start to decide what this valley was and use that as clues to where we can go. I think Phoenix has done it much better than we have. They have a rich history, and we have themes.
Read the Rest Of The Discussion at Las Vegas Weekly
Also, they had a side feature called “Diamonds In The Desert – Seven Buildings You Should Know”.
It doesn’t appear to be online, so I’ve scanned it for you in 2 parts. I hope they’re readable. Just click on the thumbnail.
You’ll note that all but one are located in what I refer to as “VeryVintageVegas”. Nuff said!
LVW, like most blogs, didn’t get very many comments. Maybe we can do better. What do you think?