One of the “resume” items I rarely mention is that I’m an appointed commissioner on the City of Las Vegas Historic Preservation Commission. We meet monthly at City Hall. Our mission is to protect the historic properties that are on the City, State, and National Registries of Historic Places. We also are doing surveys of what I call Vintage Vegas. Currently, we are working on surveys of the old motels along Las Vegas Blvd and Fremont Street, as well as the near east side and the Charleston Heights neighborhoods.
2 of the buildings that we’ve been concerned about are the Huntridge Theatre and the Mission Linen building in the Arts District. Jay Dapper, who is redeveloping most of the 4 corners at Charleston and Maryland Parkway, now owns both of them. Jay Dapper gave the HPC an update on both projects at the last meeting on October 25. Here is the slideshow for the Huntridge and you can see the slideshow for the Mission LInen building here.
THE BIG NEWS – is that the Huntridge Spire Neon is going to be re-lit sometime in the next 60 Days. Watch this space and our Facebook page for the time and date. It will be a public ceremony to have the sign light up for the first time in almost 20 years.