Still further back into the relics of the old site, we find memories of the 80 hour weeks we put in brainstorming, designing, driving, mapping and trouble shooting The History Hunt! That link took you to all the posts way to get an over of what we call Vintage Vegas. Steve says it’s still the best PR game he’s ever seen for getting exposure to these amazing neighborhoods, and can’t believe we pulled it off!
The grand prize for finding each of the landmarks (& snapping a photo of them) was $1,000.00, was awarded at the Uncle Jackpot Party, and in true downtown community form, was split between Marlene Adrian and Elizabeth Jones.
The party was held at the then newly acquired and beautiful Mid-Mod home of Ben Nation. Just short of 200 people had a great time. If we do it again, we’re going to make it a 1 weekend event instead of spreading it out over a month.
The party itself was not only an amazing gathering of people who ‘get it’ and a chance to get to know them better, but it also resulted in a huge spread June 15th of 2007 in the Las Vegas Sun, by Kristen Peterson; furthering the awareness that Las Vegas does have residential history, and some VERY cool homes. This was the first real media exposure for Uncle Jack functioning as; but not the last; as Beverly Bryan did a more real estate specific piece in one of the first issues of the Review Journal’s ‘Downtown View’ September 25th. Uncle Jack has also since then been interviewed on KNPR regarding the housing dynamic and downtown.