I’m encouraging you to see a side of Las Vegas that few ever get the chance to see. In case you don’t, here’s some of the pictures that I took last night when I could find a clear shot between all the people who came out for the opening.
Five of the grafitti artists who have been painting in the tunnels for years, and worked so hard in helping to re-create the tunnels, were in attendance. From left to right are: Akuser, Ruckoh, Ruckoh’s Girlfriend, Dares and Dink. Good kids with a passion for street art. Their fondest dream is that the city or county would designate places for them to be able to paint. There was lots of talk among the “grown-ups” for finding a way to make that happen.
The reason you need to see this for yourself, is evident if you watch the video that’s playing of Matt O’Brien’s actual journey thru the tunnels. In the separate museum room are the video, the displays and pictures and maps of the tunnel system.
For times and location, visit the Contemporary Arts Collective website.
The rest of the photo’s are below the fold. Click on the “read the rest of this story” button below.