Come out this Friday evening and meet a lot of my friends and neighbors. One of them is Steve Evans, and we’re kicking off his campaign for the Las Vegas City Council.
“Steve Evans for City Council” is happening because we’ve begged him to run for council for years. Steve lives Downtown, works Downtown and loves Downtown. He’s been on the planning commission for 8 years. He’s always the voice of measured reason. He understands historic preservation better than any of the current councilpersons or commissioners. Steve understands how redevelopment done wrong can be worse than doing nothing at all. It’s a long way to the election, but Steve Evans definately deserves our support.
Please come down to the Downtown Cocktail Room this Friday, September 11, from 6 to 8 pm. Donations are welcome, and even the smallest of donations will have a huge impact so early in the campaign.
Here’s some of the early supporters of Steve Evans. I encourage you to add your name to the list. You can contact the campaign at [email protected]