There’s a doozy of bank owned REO (real estate owned) foreclosure property in the Alta Rancho Historic Neighborhood. It came on the market the other day for $232,750.12. Actually, I’m just kidding about the twelve cents.
The MLS Pictures aren’t bad, but they left this shot out. I think it’s worthy of being shown, as it’s the centerpiece for this classic home in an historic neighborhood of Las Vegas.
1/2 Acre Lots In Historic Neighborhoods are hard to come by at this price. I’ve said it before….The banks are just giving away the foreclosure homes for the sake of getting rid of them.
A 1000sf+- garage/storage/workshop/studio?
I know there’s one of the artists out there that could REALLY produce with a shop like this.
There’s plenty here that needs polishing, but it’s not trashed, bombed out or ever been re-muddled.
What more could you want?