We had a surprise delivery Saturday from the UPS man. As Jack was MLS-ing away for a client, I jumped up & got the door. It was a huge air compressor box shipped to Jack LeVine […]
Wednesday, Nov. 14th Atomic Age AllianceMeet and Greet 7:00-7:30 PM Meeting from 7:30 to 9:00 PM Our next meeting will be held at the wonderful Hipster LAS VEGAS PAPER DOLL Stationary Boutique!!! at the fabulously […]
This is the final reminder regarding the Friends of Classic Las Vegas Fundraiser this Saturday, Nov. 17th. This is an Open House/Soiree in a restored mid-century historic home in fabulous Downtown Las Vegas. The Open […]
Obviously, there’s Thanksgiving, and we wish you all a safe happy holiday. Below the fold is information on the Samuel Beckett Film Festival, Bank Owned Foreclosures Auctions, Downtown Neighbors Holiday party, Maude Frazier Hall Preservation […]
St. Louis Avenue Dedication Ceremony Today is the dedication of the St. Louis Ave. Beautification project and the new monument signs for the Southridge and Beverly Green Historic Neighborhoods. 10AM 11/26 on St. Louis just […]
There’s certainly been a shortage of posts this week, at least by our usual standards. I was one of the volunteer co-ordinators for the Victory Funds “National Leadership Conference and Candidate Training. The Victory Fund […]
I got a late start this morning, and rushed to the foreclosure auction at the Union Plaza. Took a nap when I got home, and then ended up reading blogs instead of writing on my own. […]
The Junior League of Las Vegas Requests the pleasure of your companyFor a reception honoring Vladimir Kagan, the ‘grandfather of modern furniture design’ Thursday, January 31, 2008 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Cocktails, Hors d’ouvres, Music, […]
I’ve said it many times and will keep repeating it. The foreclosure problem was a suburban thing. I’m told there’s whole neighborhoods in the Summerlin, Anthem, Green Valley and Alliante areas that look like abandoned ghost […]
The BalwdGuy says it best: Liar Liar Pants On Fire! and just for fun, watch the video he uses to make the point. Someone we all know and love got pretty chunky. I’m here to tell […]