Our friends at the Atomic Age Alliance are holding their monthly meeting on Wednesday 1/9/08 7pm. AAA’s meetings are always at different fun places. This month will be at theBurlesque Hall Of Fame Museum, in […]
Greg Brown, who’s spearheading the neighborhood response is asking for help. We need as many people as possible to show up for the planning commission meeting on Thursday 1/10. The item will be #31 on […]
Very nice kitchen unless you leave round things on the counter. Every photo editing software allows you to rotate and crop pictures. I did this one in about 30 seconds. And Lightened it up at […]
From The Review Journal last week: Steve Sebelius tells us what it means in the latest edition of City Life. “If nothing else, going into a presidential election year in which big tax issues will […]
Greg Brown, from the Beverly Green Neighborhood Association wrote the following, and encourages anyone with something to say about this project to attend the planning commission meeting where it will be introduced. The meeting will be […]
But that meant it was a great night to actually be able to see and study the art, as well as to actually get to talk to the artists, without the jostle of the crowds. My […]
A California buyer over the weekend told me that you NEVER see cluttered, unstaged, dirty homes for sale in California. I don’t know if that’s true from personal experience, but 8 of the 10 homes we […]
One of the many reasons I focus on the fabulous rebirth of Vintage Vegas is because the street names don’t make me laugh. We ran out of good names for streets about 5 years ago. […]
A simple answer: ignore them. Yesterday, a new client told me: We HATE our apartment Our neighbor is driving us crazy Our 2 kids have nowhere to play The landlord didn’t renew our lease the […]