Las Vegas Real Estate News Archives - Page 77 of 97 - Very Vintage Vegas | Las Vegas Mid Century Modern Homes

Las Vegas Real Estate News

March 12, 2008

Weeds Are Popping Up Like Foreclosures! And Both Can Hurt The Value Of Your Home

So the doctor says ragweed is the culprit! It’s evil in several different ways, and can have a huge effect on the health of people and the health of neighborhoods. I guess I’ve developed a […]
March 12, 2008

Reminder- Upcoming Events, Broadcasts And Meetings In Vintage Las Vegas

Save The Huntridge Efforts to Be Discussed On Las Vegas NOW Josh Geidel and Eli Mizrachi, the owner of the Huntridge Theatre will be the guests tonight on Jeff Gillan’s Las Vegas Now television broadcast on […]
March 12, 2008

Worst MLS Photo Of The Day – Real Estate Agents Can Create Clutter Just As Easily As An Owner

The MLS lockbox belongs on the DOOR!           The only thing worse than a bad picture is NO PICTURES AT ALL!
March 11, 2008

Cleaning Up From A Very Crazy Week In Very Vintage Vegas

Even though I got behind in my usual posting routine, I was still out showing homes, getting 3 deals into escrow, showing off our historic neighborhoods to prospective buyers, and all the other fun stuff […]
March 9, 2008

Yes, It’s In The Designated “Downtown Las Vegas Redevelopment District”, But Is It Compatable With Surrounding Single Family Homes?

Gregg Brown, the leader of the 6th and Sahara project neighborhood response has written this guest editorial for us today. The proposed development on 6th & Sahara is items 21 through 25 on the agenda […]
March 9, 2008

Activism, Alliances, Appraisals, Anniversaries, Antibiotics and Arthritis

And a good case of creative Apoplexy trying to write a headline that describe a hectic and insane week for yours truly. There’s 4 stated “topics” that we talk about here at Very Vintage Vegas. […]
March 9, 2008

The Oral History Project – Jack LeVine Tells How He Fell In Love With Mid Century Modern Architecture

Todays 1 year birthday post is about my being interviewed for the Oral History Project which was conducted by the UNLV Sociology Department. The subject was downtown neighborhoods. I spent 2 hours yesterday telling my […]
March 8, 2008

Worst MLS Photo Of The Day – When Uncle Jack Gets Sick, The Last Thing He Feels Like Doing Is His Las Vegas Real Estate Blog

What started as spring allergies, soon became a really bad lung infection. Antibiotics are starting to kick in, and I’m starting to warm up my fat little fingers again. That had nothing to do with […]
March 7, 2008

One Year Strong, Reviewing More Milestones -The History Hunt

Still further back into the relics of the old site, we find memories of the 80 hour weeks we put in brainstorming, designing, driving, mapping and trouble shooting The History Hunt!   That link took […]
March 6, 2008

A Little Story About Uncle Jack – How Jack LeVine Got His Nickname

A month into I told the story of how I got my Nickname. On April 18, 2007 I published the story. Back then, I’d be surprised if I had 5 readers a day. Now […]