If you’ll remember, or click back here to take a look at our listing on the corner of Chapman and Oakey. It’s truly a remarkable example of Retro Chic in a downtown mansion. It hasn’t […]
Yes, we finished the series the other day about Mid Century Modern decorative sunscreens, however, I promised you some bloopers. I can just image their dismay when someone crashed into the wall. […]
The occasional screw up series is back with a literal screw up. To avoid embarassing anyone, I’m gathering all of these from the overly abundant bank owned properties that I’m seeing. I vaguely mentioned this […]
Thursday night June 26, from 6–9 pm is a special night of gallery openings. If you’d like to avoid the crowds of First Friday, then come downtown Thursday Night for 4 receptions and grand openings. […]
Grafitti, being a hot topic this week with the BENEATH THE NEON, The Exhibition opening Tomorrow at CAC, and the gasps of horror that can still be heard from this WMLSPOTD…. I’m sure the agent […]
Just for fun, take a look at some of these all electric concept cars. I joke a lot about my “never go more than 3 miles away from home” rule. One of friends asked me the […]
I recently discovered that there were names for the patterns that we’ve been discussing for the last 2 months. Some of them can still be obtained. Allied Building Materials, at 221 West Wyoming has 2 […]
I complain all the time about the bank owned repos that are being neglected. In this instance however, the property at the corner of 10th and Oakey was the biggest eyesore around while it was […]