I’ve been dressing up lately. Well, at least for some of the parties and special events. One of our sources for the vintage clothing that you’ll see me and Mary Joy and Pam […]
Our friend Lynn Zook holds a monthly panel discussion on topics related to Las Vegas History. The next event is this Thursday. I’ll let her describe it in her own words…. On Thursday, June 5th […]
Today’s Pattern #42 is from “The Ed Shed” which is the headquarters of The Clark County School District. Yes, the Ed Shed is really it’s nickname among the employees and teachers. You’ll find it on Flamingo Avenue between Eastern […]
Last weeks WMLSPOTD were all pretty mild. We’re going to the other extreme this week. Again, from our friend in Utah. Sometimes, I guess, NO PICTURES AT ALL is a viable option. The only […]
I took the picture to document the bumper crop of flowers that are starting to form on my organ pipe cactus. Of course I was worrying about lighting the cactus, documenting the most number of […]
I really like dimensional shingle roofs. They add texture and color, and last longer in the desert sun than regular composition shingles. But you do have to FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! That’s why the kegger isn’t […]
A pretty similar pattern, at first glance, to the one I showed you in #39 of the series. In fact I had only one sub folder that I’d labeled “square in a square”. I had both patterns […]
At least till they move out. Our “missed it by that much” series is over, so we’re going to the other extreme for a while. The next few days WMLSPOTD will all be from the […]
One of the primary goals of VeryVintageVegas is to educate. Not a lot of what they sell at Lowes/Depot is appropriate for the style, design and architecture of the 40’s 50’s and 60’s homes that we promote. […]
I like this one a lot. It doesn’t have any hidden designs. It’s fairly common and can be found downtown, in Paradise Palms, Francisco Park and Glen Heather. I’m sure it in other neighborhoods as […]