All I want to do is get on the front page of google if you search for “Las Vegas Real Estate†You may have noticed that we’re trying to increase the subscriber base for Very […]
Briana, A regular reader started her home search today and quickly discovered my secret. I don’t have to “search” for these awful photos. They’re EVERYWHERE! She sent me a month’s worth, and I thank her […]
Well, at least once we got past the sex scandals, and the election stuff. As I’ve reported to you before, my activity level certainly mirrors what’s being reported in the national press and in investment […]
Wow. I would have told you all to go.. but i didn’t know what to say! I was going to this intimate theatre experience because some friends were involved. Seemed like everyone there(the house was […]
I had a dream about this house. It’s pure mid-century modern. It started out as the current nightmare and evolved into a very pleasant dream of watching someone snag a great deal on a fixer […]
Thanks to all of you who stopped by the open house at 1700 Chapman. 8 readers who I’ve never met before stopped by to say hello, as well a lot of friends.. About 10 people […]
Someone stole the fridgerator. But they did stage the place, even if they forgot to put the ladder away. The only thing worse than a bad picture is NO PICTURES AT […]
Last Monday, our client and friend Joe Schoenemann reported in the Las Vegas Sun that a national lobbiest for Historic Preservation, Heather MacIntosh was going to spend a few days in Las Vegas to try […]
Is this picture from the outside looking in? From the inside looking into another room? The caption says “exterior front”. I guess that explains it. The only thing worse than a bad […]
While Steve’s busy building the brochure for our gallery of featured properties, I thought I’d share some of the finer details that make 1700 Chapman Ave. so special. We put it into the MLS today at $595,000. […]