I received this email today from her son Joey. Instead of summarizing, I’m just going to publish it. There’s a fascinating story that’s told on the website. If any of you can help, let me […]
There’s a big pocket of custom homes on the east side of Maryland Parkway. We’ve talked before about Marycrest, which is 14th and 15th streets as well as Bonita and 3 cul-de-sacs off of 14th, […]
Our Guest Blogger today discusses the past present and future of the Huntridge Theatre. After a meeting which we reported on 2 weeks ago, the attendees believed that the owner was seriously working with us […]
Showing that the car has a garage in this case would have been better accomplished with an exterior shot. I’m afraid to find out what’s buried under the haystack. The only thing only thing worse […]
As I subtly mentioned last week, Very Vintage Vegas as a brand for me the real estate agent was launched a year ago. The launch was pretty successful. It’s kept me “kinda” busy all during […]
It’s 3 am. It took 4 hours to write and edit the post above above about being busy. Let the picture speak for itself. It certainly isn’t speaking of the features of the home. […]
Yesterday we were emailed the link to a video created by someone in Paradise Palms. It’s a great idea for how to save the National Golf Course from being re-developed into a 600 home housing tract. We didn’t […]
As we continue to deal with a volatile stock, bond, and mortgage market, with a continued credit crunch we want to provide you with every opportunity to educate your self. This great blog post on msnbc’s […]
So much for the “sight site plan review” process at your local building department. (and so much for spell checker programs) Seriously study this one! The only thing worse than a bad picture […]