I think it was shot thru the screen door. Jack says he’s feeling better, and will be back to our regularly scheduled activities by tomorrow. The only thing worse than a bad […]
Gregg Brown, the leader of the 6th and Sahara project neighborhood response has written this guest editorial for us today. The proposed development on 6th & Sahara is items 21 through 25 on the agenda […]
And a good case of creative Apoplexy trying to write a headline that describe a hectic and insane week for yours truly. There’s 4 stated “topics” that we talk about here at Very Vintage Vegas. […]
Todays 1 year birthday post is about my being interviewed for the Oral History Project which was conducted by the UNLV Sociology Department. The subject was downtown neighborhoods. I spent 2 hours yesterday telling my […]
What started as spring allergies, soon became a really bad lung infection. Antibiotics are starting to kick in, and I’m starting to warm up my fat little fingers again. That had nothing to do with […]
Still further back into the relics of the old site, we find memories of the 80 hour weeks we put in brainstorming, designing, driving, mapping and trouble shooting The VeryVintageVegas.com History Hunt! That link took […]
Where: Brass Lounge, Fremont & Las Vegas Blvd. Upstairs at Hennessey’s Tavern to the left of the escalators. When: 6–9pm, Friday March 7th. Who: Tru Talent Management, some amazing local designers & models. Music by […]
A month into VeryVintageVegas.com I told the story of how I got my Nickname. On April 18, 2007 I published the story. Back then, I’d be surprised if I had 5 readers a day. Now […]
HUD announced a few minutes ago the new maximum home price that you can buy with an FHA loan. The limit went from $304,000 to $412,350. THIS IS TERRIFIC NEWS for buyers and sellers. One […]
Dear members and friends of CAC – The Contemporary Arts Collective, Please join us for two nights of performance art on Thursday, March 6th and Friday, March 7th “Main Event” Performance Art curated by Chad Brown […]