Or for that matter, at the top of your water heater? Or up on your roof? Is there a problem waiting to happen? Home inspections aren’t just for new buyers. A couple of hundred dollars […]
It’s just the funniest example I’ve ever encountered. We see streaks on the ceiling eminating from the registers, but this was just too much. Flocked wallpaper was all the rage once upon a time, and […]
It’s a great idea to mop the floors,and vacuum the rugs in preparation for putting a home on the market. It’s important to leave the mop, and bucket, and vacuum cleaner handy so that […]
We wrote about many of the great neighborhoods of Vintage Vegas on our old website, when we had very few regular readers. Now, there’s lots of regular readers, so we’re going tell about them again. […]
By Brian Paco Alvarez As a curator and urban historian I am constantly looking up new sources of information about my native home. As Steve and Jack can tell you Paco has books. I […]
It’s a bedroom. No, wait. It’s a living room. No, wait a minute, maybe it’s a storage room. Or Maybe it’s a bedroom or it might be the family room. I give up. Next. Click. […]
The Las Vegas City Council invites you to attend the dedication ceremony for the completion of the St. Louis Avenue Improvement Project. Monday, November 26, 2007 10 AM St. Louis Avenue and […]
I guess if you have to show some clutter, then it’s best to really show it. Why not 2 shots of the kitchen, and for good measure, throw in a shot of the over family room and the […]
We got so caught up in Las Vegas History, Downtown Redevelopment and a dozen other things that we forgot to show some of the many and frequent changes that are taking place in the Vintage […]
Obviously, there’s Thanksgiving, and we wish you all a safe happy holiday. Below the fold is information on the Samuel Beckett Film Festival, Bank Owned Foreclosures Auctions, Downtown Neighbors Holiday party, Maude Frazier Hall Preservation […]