From today’s Las Vegas Sun Preservationists protest plan to demolish UNLV’s first building By Charlotte Hsu, Las Vegas Sun We’ve been a little top heavy this last week on Downtown Redevelopment Stuff, so I thought […]
One of our readers raises a question that I posed to the Business and Development Folks at the Citizens Leadership Academy just last week. Jack, I was curious if you have heard where the […]
In Suburban Las Vegas, everything looks the same. The only way to differentiate one house from another is by the street number. The most important thing that anyone could put into a picture is the […]
This is part of an on-going Lending Comprehension Series. Part 1 can be found here. We all know that your credit score is one of the biggest factors that determines your available mortgage rate and […]
I am honored to be one of the 25 participants this year in the City’s Citizen Leadership Academy. It’s an 8 week course on the inner workings of government. It has been an amazing and […]
From the Las Vegas Sun, by Kristen Peterson An Art Deco bell tower inspired by structures on the Hoover Dam anchors a corner of a model of the Smith Center for the Performing Arts planned […]
From our “clutter” folder, we find a whole bunch of things wrong with this picture. I assume the goal was to show the slate floors and the fireplace. A slightly different angle, a zoom in on […]
Our friend cultural historian and downtown neighbor Brian Paco Alvarez filled our inbox today with a lot of different topics, so I’m lumping them all into one big catch-all post. Click away! Historical Connection Fall […]
There’s a public information meeting tomorrow, 10/24 from 4 to 7 pm. If you want to find out more or give them your 2 cents, the public is invited The Project Neon Website I’ve been […]
I can see how this happened, because if you look close, you’ll see that it’s actually taken thru a doorway, by a very very short agent. It would have been better if (s)he had stepped […]