Vintage Las Vegas is the center urban core of Las Vegas. It’s not just downtown where we find the historic neighborhoods or the Mid Century Modern Homes of the 50’s and 60’s. The Flamingo wash […]
I’ll start blogging again if you’ll……. VOTE APRIL 5 for CHRIS GIUNCHIGLIANI FOR MAYOR, and STEVE EVANS FOR CITY COUNCIL WARD 3 Only half of the expected votes were cast in early voting. I’ve got plenty […]
It’s been a long time since a seriously cool Mid Century Modern custom home popped up. This one’s in The Beverly Green Neighborhood of Downtown. It’s a real project house in many ways, but the fun […]
Melissa, one of the producers of the new hit show “American Restoration”, (which is filmed right here in Las Vegas)has reached out to the readers of VeryVintageVegas……. Do you have a unique, antique, or vintage […]
GOOD NEWS FROM STEVE EVANS FOR LAS VEGAS! Steve will make it official TODAY when he files his candidacy for Las Vegas City Council, Ward 3! We want to send the message loud and clear that […]
That was hard to fit into one headline, but here’s the whole scoop, totally borrowed from Brian Paco Alvarez’s blog about all things cultural in Las Vegas – EnculturateVegas. “Vegas Spectacular” an exhibition at the […]
We’ve survived another year. Barely. Maybe even hanging on by a single fingernail. For many of us it wasn’t too bad. No matter what 2010 gave you, I’m wishing for you a happy and better 2011. […]
It’s a full evening of SWING, RAT ROD, ROCKABILLY and BURLESQUE! Louis Prima Jr. is performing a celebration tribute concert in honor of his father, Louis Prima’s 100th Birthday. Tuesday, December 7 6:30 to 8pm on […]
I’ve been hearing rumors for a while that there was a deal cooking that would save the Las Vegas City Hall from the wrecking ball. Now it’s confirmed enough that the city has made the […]
I’m wishing all of you a very happy Thanksgiving. I’m having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that somehow it’s Thanksgiving already. The fourth of July was just a few days ago, the start […]