City Of Las Vegas Invites Everyone to Submit Nominations The city of Las Vegas will again honor exceptional urban design through the third annual Mayor’s Urban Design Awards (MUDA). Nominations for the […]
Poor Paula gets no respect! Paula paid a pretty penny to procure professional product placement. Lazy seller says “sell it as is”. DO YOU HAVE A CAPTION YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE? Leave them in the […]
As you know, I’m obsessed with the decorative block sunscreens and walls,. The series that we did about them seems to have long tail search engine value. I gave you a teaser the other day about a […]
I must be doing a great job with the Search Engines because I’m getting stuff from readers all over the country. Bruno at Curbly, which is a really fun do-it-yourselfer home improvement blog sent me links to the mid century modern birdhouse. […]
Today’s “pillars, posts, and columns” article takes us into the guard gated Rancho Bel Air. It’s one of the 5 guard gated neighborhoods of Vintage Vegas. They’re hard to get into, so most of the general public never […]
On my search for mid century modern homes in Los Angeles last week, I stumbled upon a couple of block designs that I’ve never seen in Las Vegas. This first one was in the Eichler […]
Besides the ridiculously low prices, and the fact that the banks have no clue and are just trying to dump all this inventory, there’s some seriously fun features to be found. The vast majority of foreclosures […]