Some of our oldest readers will remember that back in July I started running a daily series of bad MLS Pictures. A few weeks later I discovered that as original as the idea was, it […]
I’ve been accused of focusing too much attention on the McNeils, and Marycrests, and John S. Parks, and Paradise Palms type neighborhoods of Vintage Las Vegas. In my own defense, I’ve talked about some of […]
Day 4 for the listing that Brianna found on her first day searching the MLS. It’s a treasure trove of Bad MLS pictures. EVERY single picture in the listing qualified. At least the toilet seat […]
So I got to the Atomic Age Alliance fundraiser at Design Within Reach just in time for the preview of the terrific slide show about all things modernist. I normally start shooting pictures, but discovered […]
Thank you to Brian Paco Alvarez for sending us this information! As you can see, it’s based on one of Jack’s favorite obsessions, decorative block. There’s lots more of them on our old blog. […]
Day 3 of Briana’s first attempt to start her mls search off of the Very Vintage Vegas website! Yep, it’s the same house as Wednesday and Thursday. Today we’re showing off the clean uncluttered island […]
Work with me here. We could buy one of the those cookie cutter homes out in the suburbs that are being given away by the banks. We could rip out the particle board cabinets and “looks […]
Hello Everyone, This is just a reminder that Thursday Evening is our DWR fundraiser. If you are unable to attend the event, your donations to our advocacy fund are very much appreciated. The suggested […]
Day 2 from Briana’s foray into the scary world of bad MLS Pictures. You can find them too! All you have to do is look. We’ve got 5 more to go that are ALL from […]
The problem with writing a post about my favorite blogs is that I got caught up on reading them. So without comment, here’s the list of what I was reading last night. My intention was […]