I know you think you’ve seen this one before. But after a while, all the corner shots of empty rooms start to look the same. That’s why we’re polling you to find out if […]
Lets start with The Rave. There’s a pioneering ripple of people who are trying to buy a home right NOW. Each of them is in their own personal step along the process. Each and everyone of them […]
There’s only one house EVER that I’ve found with this mid century modern block design. I don’t even know if we can call them blocks at all. I call them the stalagmites. Or is that Stalactites? […]
We got a few yeas, and no nays, so here’s another dose. Another useless bedroom shot. I think the focal point is the edge of the door to the room, or the edge of a […]
I am so tired of the graffiti. This one in particular has infuriated me enough to go start another crusade. This is just the worst slap in the face to many many people who have […]
Number 11 of our series is a relatively simple design in a square block. The interior is a diamond with rounded edges. I found it on numerous homes through out Vintage Las Vegas, so it’s […]
At least the room isn’t round. It has a corner! Isn’t that special. I wonder what room it might be? Just out of curiosity…. Are you all as bored with the worst MLS photo […]
Michelle Quinn, The forrmer director of the Godt-Cleary Gallery has opened shop in “lawyer’s row”. Once again, Kristen Peterson of The Las Vegas Sun tells the story. More good press for the new downtown that we love so much. […]
One of the things that’s happening due to the huge number of foreclosures is that there’s fewer and fewer rentals available, and therefore rent prices are rising quickly (along with everything else it seems, except […]
Pattern 10 (selected randomly from the collection) has a half circle notch at the top, and 2 quarter circle notches on the bottom corners. Combine them together, and alternate them top […]